School in 2007 |
Totara School Buildings
School in 1967 |
Where is Totara?Totara School is south of Oamaru. Oamaru is located in the South Island of New Zealand. When you are driving to Dunedin from Oamaru, you will see a little sign on the left side of the road with a dragon and a Totara tree. It shows where Totara School is. The Totara tree is how Totara got its name. The dragon is there because there used to be mostly Chinese people at our school. |
What is Totara School made of?Totara school is made of: corrugated timber for the roofs, Oamaru stone was used for the walls, wood was used for the inside of the classrooms and plastic for the ceilings and roof of our bays. |
When was the first school opened?The first school opened on the 18th of June 1883.The first school was only one building. |
Facts about Totara School.Before the school house got taken down it was the library. The companies that built Totara School were Armstrong and Meiynard td. Most schools face north so the sun shines round the school, but Totara School faces west. |
We hope you got some information from our report and we hope you encourage others to read it. We hope you will come to Totara after reading this report.By Jonty and Samuel |