Campbell's Bay Community Forest
Mrs. Anne Tyas

Mrs Tyas, her husband, and children Ben and Sophie, have spent many, many hours working in our forest. She is in charge of it now with Mrs Wilcox -they are the forest caretakers.
What kind of things were in the forest before it was done up?
There were weeds, old rubbish, newspapers, old tyres, glass and plastic and all sorts of bottles.There was also a lady's hand bag (some body decided they would steal a lady's bag and hide it in the Community Forest). In 1996 when most of the rubbish was cleared away, the people (mostly the fathers) made the board walk what it is today.
How has the forest changed?
We (all the people who worked on the forest) got rid of some noxious weed and wandering willy. Noxious weeds are weeds that are not good for the forest. We have planted kauri trees, putaputa weta trees, toi toi plants, puriri trees, mahoe, cabbage trees, flax bushes, pohutakawa trees, native plants, native bushes and many more native trees.
Who are some of the lovely people who have worked on the forest?
Mrs Rosemary Wilcox, Mrs. Fiona George, Mrs. Jenny Hunter, Mr. John McGowan, Dr. Richard Hursthouse and many others over the years.
What kind of birds are there in the Community Forest?
There are fantails, blackbirds, sparrows, wax eyes, rosellas, tuis and wood pigeons. We have more birds now than there used to be.
What insects are there?
There are spiders, worms, earwigs, cockroaches, bees, lizards, grasshoppers, cicadas, ladybirds, caterpillars, wetas and all sorts of insects.
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