Campbell's Bay Community Forest
Worm Farms

We had a visit to our classroom from Rachel from Kaipatiki Ecological Restoration Project - KERP. She showed us all about worm farms and told us how to feed them and keep them healthy.

Mrs Meder started a worm farm with help from Mrs Duncan and Worms R Us. The adults taught the kids how to collect the food scraps from lunch time and from the staff room (including coffee grindings). Then the kids have turns being the monitors for two weeks each. Nearly at the end of each turn being a monitor, the next two kids are shown what to do. By the end of the year, heaps of kids will know all about worm farms.

Michael and Hamish give the worms lunch.
Mrs Duncan and Mrs Meder have to feed the worms in the holidays or they would die. Our caretaker, Mr Pipkin, waters the worms when it is hot, or they would dry out. Worms don't eat meat or citrus, but they will eat paper bags, greaseproof paper, fruit and vege scraps and banana skins.

In 2003 we started collected the food scraps from the senior school lunches.
Now we have heaps less rubbish at our school. We need more worms as they can't keep up with all of our rubbish, but they grow quite quickly so this problem will be fixed soon. It is much better to make rubbish into nice worm castings to help the forest, than to send it to the land fill. No-one likes stinky big piles of rubbish. Some rubbish will take 500 years to break down in a landfill -some will never break down. We shouldn't make so much rubbish because we want North Shore City to be really clean and a nice place to live with nice, clean beaches. We all have to help.

Mary from the North Shore Council comes to our school every year to audit our waste. We try and have less waste each time she comes. In this picture, Mr Davies shows his class all the yucky rubbish. There were dirty yoghurt pots and lots of plastic lunch wrap. We hope people will change how they bring lunch to school and use greaseproof paper. Then the worms will have more lunch because they eat greaseproof. The rubbish wasn't very nice.
The worms can't eat plastic cling wrap, so we want people to stop using it for their lunches. Instead of bringing little packets of chips to school and throwing away the bag, people could buy one big bag a week and bring some each day in a washable container. Some people bring too much food, they should talk to their mums and decide how much they have to eat, so they are not throwing heaps away everyday. Some people throw out whole muffins and sushi and there is always a lot of fruit in the rubbish. This is good for the worms, but a waste of money for the parents.
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