Campbell's Bay Community Forest
Our project
At the bottom of our garden at Campbell's Bay School, is a magical place. It is quiet and leafy and green. There are big trees, little trees and a big boardwalk that stretches right around. We decided to study our forest and take lots of pictures. We also decided to learn about worm farming so that we can give our trees lots of lovely WORM TEA to help them grow enormous. When we are old and have grandchildren, we will bring them back to the forest that we helped to make. We will look up to the trees and we will be proud. Follow these links to our pages and learn more about the Campbell's Bay School Community Forest.
History of our Forest
An Interview with Mrs George, who had the vision, and her daughter Sam
The People Who Helped in our Forest
Forest Poems
Worm Farm Cartoons
Worm Farms
Birds in our forest
Mr McGowan's Interview Our school Principal
An interview with Mrs Hunter Our Associate Principal
Mrs. Anne Tyas A hard working volunteer
An Interview with Mrs Wilcox Another volunteer
Trees in our Forest
Zero Waste at Campbell's Bay
Sarah Sheeran - Environmentalist and greenie
Dr Richard Hursthouse Working bee champion
Our forest now
Our Trip to KERP
Our Team
Curriculum Links

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