Campbell's Bay Community Forest
An Interview with Mrs Wilcox

How do you help the forest?
I help a lot with the weeding, planting and growing from seeds. I have been helping for about six years now and I am amazed at the wonderful growth that has happened during that time. I think our forest will look really special in 50 years time.
How many children do you have at Campbell's Bay School?
Just one now, Nicole. Mark and Christopher used to go here.
Why did you want to help the forest ?
To leave something behind for future generations and because it was a project I believed in for the North Shore.
What types of trees can we plant to get lots of birds back?
Natives that flower.
What is your favourite type of bird?
The tui.
Have any other people in your family helped in the forest or been to this school?
Yes, my father-in-law Ron was a very keen worker at the school, and his father John Wilcox was the Headmaster here.
What are the plans for the forest in the future?
To nurture the forest for the future, we plan to plant more and fill in the gaps. A personal goal would be to propagate another Pennantia Baylisiana. We only have one and they are either male or female, you cannot tell until they flower. Ours is growing very well now and when it flowers I hope to be able to buy a mate to plant near it. Oratia Nurseries are growing some now - that could be good.
What are the problems you face managing the forest?
Weeds, weeds, weeds and vandals. Unfortunately some very silly people try to ruin our good work, but now many of the trees are getting too big to be damaged.
Do you need more helpers?
Yes, we would be happy to have help from parents, children, neighbours or anyone in the community who loves forests and birds. They could just call the school office and they will be put in touch with one of the forest organizers. We would welcome helpers, plant or money donations to continue our work.
Would you like the school to have a greenhouse to help grow seeds?
Yes, that would be a real asset and great to teach the children how to grow plants.
Do you use compost in the forest?
We use a lot of mulch. We have it donated usually, and the volunteers spread it around to keep the moisture in the plant roots.
Do you do anything to the trees that were planted years ago?
Just try to keep them free of weeds and vines. Some of the big trees near the walkway might have to be trimmed soon as they are really growing large.

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