Unlimited Paenga Tawhiti

Historic Faces of Christchurch

Research Process

The research process followed a fairly typical format. We were taken on a walk around the centre of Christchurch and shown the various historic buildings that still exist. We were told a little of the background to each but for some we could only surmise what they may have been used for originally. We also listened to Jenny from the Historic Places Trust about the work they do and what they have done to preserve historic buildings in our city.

A couple of hours was put aside for the class to visit the central library's Aotearoa-New Zealand Centre where heaps of information on the history of Christchurch is kept. We also learnt how to access the great quantity of information they have online. We were then asked to select one historic building or place to research further. We could either work alone or as a pair. We used the Living Heritage Project Path sheet to help us plan our deeper research. We kept our work as Word documents before placing them on the web.

We had to be careful to record where we obtained our information as we needed to reference our sources or ask for permission to use various images. We ran out of time to develop our own layout look but hope to write up our reflections on the project during term two as well as promote our work via our school newsletter.