Unlimited Paenga Tawhiti

Historic Faces of Christchurch


There are many people we would like to thank (like our parents) but in particular the following individuals helped us heaps.

Many thanks to:

Annabel Armstrong-Clarke of the Aotearoa New Zealand Centre of Christchurch City Libraries who gave of her time and skills when we visited to research the buildings we had chosen. The resources the library has online and in hard copy were invaluable for our research. Many thanks Christchurch City Libraries.

Jenny Hamilton from the Christchurch office of the New Zealand Historic Places Trust who spoke to us about the importance of heritage, the work of the Trust and then explained the history of specific buildings as we walked back to school.

Our various Learning Advisors who helped us when we needed support. AND, the students for the photos of the buildings as they are now.

If you'd like to know more about our school, please go to http://www.unlimited.school.nz, Copyright to Unlimited Paenga Tawhiti High School