Mapua School

Discover Tasman: The Tasbay Rocky Shore

Curriculum Links

This project gives information on the tidal community at McKee Domain beach front, Ruby Bay Nelson. We have researched the marine life and habitat in this area and in response generated labelled diagrams, graphs, written recounts and poems. We hope our project will promote the McKee Domain as both a fantastic place to visit, and a special area to conserve for future generations.

Essential Learning Areas/Strands: Level 1 & 2

Science: The Living World: Tides, tidal communities, marine life & coastal habitats

Visual Art: Practical Knowledge: Sketching & still-life drawing

English: Writing: Visit recounts & poems

Mathematics: Statistics: Tally charts, bar graphs & data interpretation

ICT: Using digital cameras & the KidPix programme

Essential skills

Research and Enquiry: collecting information through investigation and surveys

Social and Cooperative: working cooperatively with others on a group/class project

Communication: making our findings and recommendations known to others.

Key Words

Rocky shore, tides, tidal, coastal, Mapua, Tasman Bay, sea, life, rock-pool, creature, community, McKee Domain, marine, habitat, beach