Mapua School

Discover Tasman: The Tasbay Rocky Shore


Thank you to our teachers, Ms Dawkins, Miss Hough, Mrs Egarr and Mr Hepburn who researched the site, helped us to investigate the rocky shore and use all the digital cameras and computers.

Special thanks to Richard de Hamel from Touch the Sea at the Mapua wharf for visiting our school. Your presentation about tidal zones and seashore creatures was exciting and memorable. Acting as the creatures in the tidal zones helped us remember what life would be like when we visited the rock pools. We also loved the bit when you dressed up Miss Hough and Mrs Egarr!

Thank you parents! Without your help our two visits to the rocky shore would not have been possible. These visits were some of the best school trips our teachers have ever been on! What a bonus it was to see the seal, a pod of dolphins and to have the sun shining!

Thank you to our cluster's ICT facilitator, Kay Smythe, for all your hard work training and leading our teachers.

Thank you to the National Library for all the fantastic books you sent us.

If you would like to read more about our school, you can look at our website at or find some more information about Mapua at

We hope you have enjoyed looking at our project and if you want to visit our rocky shore why not have a holiday at the McKee Domain Reserve?