We chose this topic because we had a vote and it was between Woodridge area and the Newlands Skate Park. The skate park lost but we also decided that the Woodridge area topic had more history. We thought that it was interesting and would be good for researching and that there wouldn't be much information about Newlands Skate Park. Some people chose the Woodridge area topic because they like farm animals.
It has been hard in some ways to find information but in other ways quite easy. The hard part was that we could hardly find any information on the internet. Also we couldn't find books about the Woodridge area and there wasn't even much historical information about Newlands in books.
But we found heaps of other ways to find information:
We emailed a Wellington City Councillor who was involved in the development of Seton Nossiter Park. We had an online chat with a person called Titch who suggested some websites that we could use. Also our school librarian found a pamphlet and a couple of books for us to use.
We really needed help so it was very, very helpful when we found that one of the students at our school is the grandaughter of the Wrights who own Woodridge Farm. To top it off Mrs Piner from Bellevue School is friends with Mr Seton Nossiter's daughter!!
By Oliver