Gilshennan Reserve Pollution Investigation
Research Process
First of all we sat down as a group and decided what it was that we wanted to find out about the reserve at the end of our school's road. We brainstormed some questions that would help guide our inquiry. Then we decided who was going to find the answers to each question. We realised that we needed to visit Gilshennan Reserve in order to gather this information, so our teacher arranged for us to visit it during one of our lunch times.
We found lots of different rubbish like chippy packets, some sticky muesli bar wrappers and bits of clear gladwrap. We also found old plastic lids from bottles and lots of plastic things. It was quite impressive to see less rubbish at Gilshennan Valley and the reserve.
The air pollution at the reserve comes from car fumes in Albert Hall Drive. There was more air pollution at the Albert Hall Drive end because it is a busy road and it's near a school where heaps of cars come around the corner. Also, there is a bus stop for buses to pick people up. Gilshennan Valley is a very quiet road with not much traffic.
There is no water at Gilshennan Reserve for there to be any water pollution and that is good.
There is only a little bit of pollution on Gilshennan Reserve, which is really, really good. And thats great to see!
Written by Rhiana, Callum, Mitchell and Andrew