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Churchill Park School

History of Churchill Park, Glendowie, and St Heliers

Research Process

From brainstorming our topic for study, the 8 students in the research group (guided by the teacher) selected a variety of study topics. They were more individual favourites, so we regouped and pooled ideas to come up with a topic for us all to benefit from.

The process for study was based on Action Learning Models:

  1. Defining our topic.
  2. Locating information from a variety of places.
  3. Visiting places, and selecting and analysing information found.

From here we had to organise our information and prepare for presentation in a booklet summary and also our living heritage website.

Presenting our information – we are amazed to actually realise our family and friends will be able to access our study on the internet.

Evaluation and assessing our learning - students have talked, shared and written a summary of findings and methods we used to reach our final presentation. They are all feeling empowered in methods of research and what they are now able to see as valuable and accessible places to find out more!

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Last update: Thursday, July 31, 2003 at 5:15:27 PM. Churchill Park School.