Avondale Primary School


Hidden treasures

In Room 1 we as a whole class we looked at our families that live in the Avondale community and what jobs they did for money and what jobs they did for no money.With the students looking at the job that their parents did for no money, it was more looking at the extra skills that these parents had. So we looked at such things as, knitting, quilt making, making clothes and weaving with flax.

The students and I decided to look more further into the skill of weaving with flax (Harakeke) and the making of Kete. So I went on the hunt within the Avondale Community to find Room 1 an expert that can make Kete with flax, and with such luck I had found us an expert. Take a look at some of the things that she shared with Room 1 students.

Kete 2: This Kete is the natural colour of Flax (Harakeke). Kete 1.
Kete 3. Kete 4.
Kete 5.

Once our expert had shown us some of her flax weaving, she showed us that we could practice a similar skill by using paper. So the students and I were ready to give our new skill that we had learnt a go.

  1. Firstly we got some plain black paper and cut lines in it
  2. Then we chose our favourite colour that we had in paper and we had to cut it into strips.

After we had done those two steps, here are some picture of the students using their new skill.

Weaving 1 Weaving 1
Weaving 1