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Reipe and Reitu: the story of Whangarei

Once there were two beautiful red-haired, green-eyed twin puhi (princesses) living in the Waikato. The slightly older one was named Reitu, the younger, Reipae. A handsome, clever chief named Ueoneone from Whangape came to make a formal alliance with their tribe by marrying one of the twins. Ueoneone couldn’t decide who to marry so he thought he should marry both of them. Ueoneone sent the best fighter in his tribe to escort the girls North. He was so good at fighting, he was so swift on his feet people called him a karearea. The karearea picked the girls up and flew them on his back. As they passed over Whangarei Reipae wanted to rest at Onerahi. After they landed, Reipae over-heard Reitu saying bad things about her to the karearea.

“Reipe will never get Ueoneone, she's too annoying,” said Reitu.
“What do you mean?” squawked the karearea.
“She takes my things and does not give them back,” replied Reitu.

Reipe gritted her teeth in anger " If you want him... you can have him".

She decided to stay in Whangarei and wait for her brothers Kanapu i te Rangi ( Lightning) and Kairangatira. Reipe cared about Whangarei . She worked hard making gardens at Kensington to feed the people and did not leave. Soon Reipae fell in love with Tahuhupotiki. That’s how Reipae became the tupuna of Te Whanga a Reipe Moana Tungane te Kanapu i te Rangi me Te Kairangatira (the full name of Whangarei) and me. By Roera and Tahlia.

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