Home-Pacific roots in Porirua

Myths and Legends of Porirua

Myths and Legends of Porirua

From Rangikura School we can see the whole of Porirua. This is because we are the 'sky' (Rangi) 'school' (kura) of Porirua.

We sit on top of the tallest hill in Ascot Park and overlook the city, harbour, sea and island below.

When we look out from up high we can see Mana Island. We discovered there is a special myth about Mana Island.

Awarua, te taniwha o Porirua: I roto i ngā kōrero tuku iho ko Te Whanga o Porirua te kāinga o Awarua, te taniwha o Porirua.

I ngā rā i mua i te taetanga atu ā te tangata ki Porirua i noho ai tētahi taniwha e karangahia nei ko Awarua. I hiahia ia ki te rere, engari kāore i taea e ia. I ngā pō ngana ai ia ki te rere. I ngā wā katoa whakaharatau ai ia. Ka tīmata ia mai i tētahi pito o te whanga, ā, ka tere atu, ka tere atu, tae noa ki tērā atu pito.

I tētahi pō whai muri i te whakaharatau tino roa, ka piki ake ia i te papa, ā, ka rere. Nā te nui o tana koa i karanga atu ia ki ōnā hoa manu kia haere mai ki te mātakitaki i a ia. He āhua whakahīhī ia i a ia e rere tere ana. Ka tukituki ia ki tēnā puke, ki tēnā puke huri noa i Porirua, engari ka pīrangi tonu ia ki te rere, nā reira ka haere tonu a ia. Ka aro atu ia ki waho o te moana, engari i reira te motu o Te Mana o Kupe ki Aotearoa e aukati ana i te ara. Ka ngana ia ki te rere ki runga ake i te motu engari ka tukia te motu e ia, nā tērā i takapapatia rawatia te motu. Koirā te take mō te hanga o te motu a Te Mana o Kupe ki Aotearoa i ēnei rā, arā, he paparite nā te mahi a Awarua, te taniwha o Porirua.

Te Awarua o Porirua: Porirua's Taniwha: In Maori tradition the Porirua Harbour is home to the taniwha, Te Awarua o Porirua.

A long long long time ago before any people lived in Porirua there was a taniwha called Awarua. He wanted to fly like the birds but he couldn't. He started trying to fly at night. Over and over he would practise. He would start at one end of the harbour and race along until he reached the other end.

One night after lots and lots of practise he finally lifted off the ground. He was so happy he called all his bird friends to come and watch him. He was a bit of a show-off for them and flew very fast. He crashed into the hills around Porirua but he still wanted to fly so he took off again. He aimed toward the open sea but in his way was Mana Island. He tried to fly over it but couldn't. He crashed onto Mana Island and completely flattened it. And this is why Mana Island looks like it does today...a flat carved off top caused by Te Awarua o Porirua!!!

What we think!

We think this is an important legend because it tells us about the history of the land that we look upon from our school. Everyday when we're playing on our school field we can see just where Awarua fell from the sky and cut the top off Mana Island. It makes us feel special that we are part of such a special place in New Zealand.

Want to read more about the taniwha myth Te Awarua o Porirua? Then click on this link and read on ....... Te Awarua o Porirua - the taniwha myth

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