Home-A community school

Our team

Every year since 2002 we have had a Student Enviro Group. This is some of the 2015 group in our Aquaponics Growing Unit. We have a working group of about 35 students.

In 2014 we received the NZ Enviroschools Green Gold Award acknowledging sustainable environmental practices.

Wairakei Primary School

Our school was built and opened in 1959. Wairakei Primary School is a semi-rural, community based school nestled in Wairakei Village, 10km north of Taupō. We are a Decile 5 state school with a current roll of 270 Y0-6 students. In 2009, the original Community Hall was relocated onto school grounds to ensure it remains a centre available for all to use. The school grounds are also home to our community play centre. We enjoy and appreciate strong community and whanau support and participation.

We embrace our multi-culture community with our local iwi being Tūwharetoa. Our local marae is Oruanui Marae. Basic Te Reo is inclusive in all classrooms. We have a strong Kapa Haka Performance Group who perform at the annual Tūwharetoa Festival and at local/community events throughout the year. The group represent our school and have a strong knowledge of Haka, song, poi and dance routines. We have our own karakia, written by us, about us, for us.

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