Fofoga he Atu Pulapulaola ha Niue
Niue Primary School - Primary

Fakaalofa lahi atu. Hanai ha mautolu a tau tala kua tohia ma e ha mutolu a totouaga. Ko e ha mautolu a tau tala mai he ha mautolu a tau fatuaki loto, hagaao ia ke he tau momoui ha mautolu he nonofo ke he motu fulufuluola ko Niue Fekai.
Our stories have been titled ' FOFOGA HE ATUHAU PULAPULAOLA HA NIUE'. This translates as the Beauty of the young generation of Niue. The beauty is within the stories that we wrote about our life on Niue.
We hope you enjoy reading our stories.
This Living Heritage story was created as part of the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO Pacific Islands' Living Heritage project in Niue.